THE Project "UNNAMED", which came out of the last youth adda on 20th june on International Refugee Day, where we screened a documentary movie"In search of my home"
by Rintu thomas and Sushmit Ghosh .
The project aims at creating awareness on the issue of asylum seeking community (refugees) in Delhi and India within us, among us and through us via various mediums like DOCUMENTARY, BOOKS, BLOGS, DEBATES ETC....... but before actually starting an action project on this issue we, SMILERS have decided to deepen our own understanding about the issue and as part of this learning exercise to understand the issue better, we have scheduled an interactive session with a Burmese human right activist,Achan Mungleng!
She has been active with Burmese community in Delhi since 2003 and in 2007 joined Euro-Burma office as co-ordinator of India office.Euro-Burma office aims at promotion democracy in Burma. So, we think there will be a lot to learn from Achan's experiences, which she'll be sharing with us.
So, all of you are openly invited for this learning space by US, The Smilers,
The Venue for the INTERACTION

PRVAH, Conference Hall
15th July' 2010 at 2.30pm
Posted in:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
12:52 PM