Youth Adda in Pictures

In the middle of an intense discussion

Music For Harmony moments being shared with everyone

Racing minds for the presentation

Some of the ideas for Music For Harmony 2009

Post lunch; charging ourselves up!

What pops up in your mind when you hear 'peace'?

SMILE Tshirt...get yours soon!

We're thrilled with so much going on for this year's Music For Harmony! Join us so we can have another memorable event!

Next Youth Adda is happening this Sunday, November 22nd, 2009, 10:00AM onwards at Pravah Office.

C-24B, II Floor

See you there!

India Untouched @ Pre-Tarang week in LSR!

India Untouched@ LSR
SMILE Pravah in association with VAPP, LSR organised the screening on the 11th of November from 3:00 – 5:30 pm which was facilitated by SMILE volunteers. The event started with a brief introduction of Pravah and SMILE and the movie. The points put forward in the post-movie discussion gave a better insight and helped everyone explore the various dimensions of the movie.

The movie India Untouched explores the prevalence of caste in contemporary India among people from different religions, geographical areas and cultural backgrounds. Award winning director Stalin.K had put in 4 years of research for making the movie, showing us how widespread and real the Dalit oppression is contrary to what we may believe.

Some of the major points and observations that came forward were:
  • Almost everyone in the audience acknowledged that they had no clue that it was still so prevalent and the movie made them realise the magnitude of the problem.
  • Someone pointed out the arguments in favour of reservation on the basis of economic criteria instead of caste based criteria was an attempt to neglect the issue and only a means to deny the Dalits equality of opportunity.
  • It was also pointed out that in generality education and geographical location had no relation to caste discriminations but only the ways that these discriminations occur.
  • Someone pointed out that the caste fragmentations are so deeply ingrained into our minds that it’s almost impossible to get rid of them. Some confessed that it was still practiced in their houses (like different utensils for Dalits) and also that they themselves somewhat believed in these caste based distinctions though it was difficult to explain why.
  • Quite a few people present there confessed to the fact that even though they don’t believe in caste based discriminations as such they would still like to marry within their casteslike the lady in the movie. Someone cross questioned and pointed out that such examples show that we still believe in caste system and try to dismiss the fact by giving illogical arguments and quoting texts.
  • It was also pointed out that the problem with Dalit women was more acute and they suffered more in reference to the part in the movie where a Dalit woman is referred to as a ‘double Dalit’.
    The discussion specially the citing of personal instances started the process of self-introspection and self-questioning. The very hope to change and not to accept things as they are seemed to flame in everyone and was this was very inspiring. The importance of spreading awareness and instilling in ourselves and those around us a rational outlook and a feeling of tolerance was emphasised. The discussion was wrapped up with explaining the SMILE process and distribution of RI pamphlets.
    SMILE Pravah would like to continue its association with LSR. Please feel free to write out your views of the event and also to contact us for any sort of information or comments.
    Keep :)ing
  • SMILE'rs

Send Us Your Photos!

Hi all,

Music for Harmony is back!

It is an event led, organised and managed by young people to celebrate peace and harmony. It is an effort by Pravah, a community of changemakers, to bring everyone together and make a difference.

This year again, we are getting together to understand and spread the message of peace through music, puppetry, theatre, photography, and such creative outlets.

We invite you to help us create a photo exhibition. What do you think peace means to you? What around you signifies harmony? Send in pictures of anything and everything around you that bring you happiness and joy. Let’s put together peace in pictures and make memories!

You can email two-three of your pictures (high resolution pictures, please!) by November 25th, 2009 at You can even send us hard copies (5” X 7”) of your pictures at the address given below. Make sure they reach us by December 7th, so everyone can be a part of this! We’d also like to request you to send a short note describing the pictures and how it signifies peace. It’d help everyone to understand your point of view clearly.

Call Prachi at 9891963336 or our office at 01126213918 for any queries.

SMILE Pravah team
New Delhi

Music For Harmony, 2009

It’s back! After many successful and memorable times, Music For Harmony is here again, to let us have a blast while we share our concerns, talk about change and our efforts, and celebrate peace and harmony.

Music For Harmony stands as a unique effort for all volunteers at Pravah as it establishes the spirit we all work with. It’s known to generate immense excitement, energy and passion for things we care for but mostly resist in our expression. And the best part of it all is that we invite everyone to join us! It’s unique because it is organised and managed by young, motivated people. Being SMILErs mostly, they have many stories to share, many ideas to execute.

These young people will bring musicians, theatre artists, puppeteers, among other creative individuals together as they go out there to let everyone know the sort of inspiring things they are involved in. To let you really get an idea of the level of fun we have, here are some pictures from the past. And it’s only going to get better!

Come join us, as we get together yet again. You’d love their energy. Come over to the office this Sunday, the 8th of November (address given below) and help these young people out and share their energy and excitement!

Bring your friends and family along, to see how we all can contribute while enjoying together, and envision a peaceful world. See how you can bring in the much required change, in our own little ways.

Come back soon for details of the venue, the date, and such things. We will sing, dance, write, enjoy together very soon though!

See you at the meeting!

C-24 B, II Floor
Kalkaji, New Delhi
011 26440619

War and Peace - IIT

SMILE Pravah held its third movie screening at IITD on Saturday, i.e. 31st October. War and Peace was screened which is a documentary by Anand Patwardhan on global peace activism in the face of nuclearisation, militarism and war.

The film is framed by the murder of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948, an act whose poignancy remains undiminished more than half a century later and goes onto to portray tumultuous years in India, Pakistan, Japan and the USA following nuclear tests. It explores the humanitarian angle showing the dangerous affects of toxic wastes and also the politics involved behind the arms race and rapid nuclearisation.

A discussion followed the screening in which several issues were discussed and some very though provoking points came forward

  • It was discussed as to whether there is anything such as peaceful nuclear energy use. Most were of the view that nuclear energy was an essential energy source for the future and so they believed that there was a need to enforce stricter regulations for the usage of nuclear power.
  • Someone pointed out that the change in our ideology from non-violence and tolerance (of the Gandhanian and Nehruvian era) to our present ideology of rapid militarisation was due to our need to be a part of the global world order and become a power to reckon with.
  • Someone raised the point that power and position cloud our idealism and thinking and that our virtues change as we climb the ladder in politics.
  • There was a discussion on whether India should make use of nuclear power in the future and there were points on either side but most were of the view that India required it as a source of energy and also for nuclear weapons in the face of a rapidly increasing threat from its neighbourhood. Someone pointed out that there were other cleaner and safer alternative sources of energy and also that the lust for better weapons would always continue and this mentality could lead self-destruction.
  • Some were left perplexed as to why the government wasn’t ensuring the safe disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear plants and how they could be so indifferent and ignorant towards the plight of the people.

    Hence, the discussion ended and people were left thinking about the complexity and the various dimensions of the issue. We hope to continue our association with IITD with more such events.

    Keep :)ing......


Winter Group Exposure 2009!

Dear All,

Pravah in collaboration with NSS, IIT- Delhi brings to you the Winter Group Exposure 2009.

The Winter Group Exposure 2009 will give 15 young IITians an opportunity to undertake a journey of ‘Me to We’ by participating in a 12 day group exposure to the Narmada Bachao Aandolan. The Aandolan has over the last decade been at the centre of a debate around development- what it is and what it should be. Interestingly there are enough young people from the technical field on both sides of the debate. Here is your chance to go and volunteer with one of the most prominent people’s movements in the country, see another aspect of the Indian reality and understand the issue for your self by actually experiencing it firsthand.

If you are someone who likes to challenge yourself, learn through experience, volunteer, think for yourself and of course have fun while doing all of this, then apply now !

All you have to do is fill up the form attached provided at the Pravah website and mail it to either or . Please write ‘Winter Group Exposure 2009’ in the subject line.

The last date for submitting your forms is: 5th November 2009
Please do read through the Winter Group Exposure Concept Note for further details, before applying. Please do feel free to contact us should need any clarification or more information on 011-26213918 and talk to Sulab or Neha. You can also contact Anurag Kumar( 2nd year,9891537063), Abhishek Surana( 2nd year, 9990909760 ) or Naveen Khandelwal ( 2nd year,9990910542).

We look forward to receiving your application soon!

Best of luck!
Love, peace and energy
The SMILE team☺