15th July'10
at Pravah conference hall

They are homeless, poor,helpless and vulnerable.No,it's not the city's slum-inhabitants we are talking about,It's'Asylum seekers.Today at PRAVAH , human rights activist Achan Mungleng gave us an insight into the pathos of the lives of refugees.An Indian Naga by birth, the activist has been working for the amelioration of the living conditions of Burmese refugees in India and Thailand since 2003.The talk was organised to have a better understanding of the issue of Asylum seekers in our city with a view to use that in project UNNAMED.Having discussed the political crisis of Burma which was the cause of large-scale exile for millions of Burmese people, she went on to relate the desperate conditions the asylum-seekers are forced to live in.Not only is the procedure for application for the grant of asylum an extremely tedious one but it also proves to be a very expensive one as a refugee first has to come to New Delhi and bribe officers for verification of his legal documents.The refugees are paid minimal wages and they find it difficult to make ends meet ,leave alone providing their children with a good education.They also have to face a lot of antagonism from the natives and being a vulnerable group become easy targets of violence. Another reason for this reluctance is their inability to speak and write in English or Hindi, which proves to be a bane in other ways too.
Possible courses of action to help mitigate the sufferings of Burmese refugees in India were also discussed.Since,through this discussion we also wanted to explore how we can engage with the such communities. Achan feels that the support for refugees is generally sporadic.To make it more consistent she suggested that some workshops be held for the asylum seekers to make them aware of the provisions for refugees in Indian law so that they can benefit from the same and become more confident as a group. As many refugees die of curable diseases like Malaria, Dysentry and Typhoid, healthcare facilities are indispensable. Furthermore, to be a self-reliant people,when they do get to go back to a democratic Burma, they need to be educated so that they can take responsibility for themselves.These, among others, are the ideas that we,the SMILErs ,are going to work on as a part of our 'project'UNNAMED' in which A campus campaign for spreading awareness and consolidating support is also in store.
If you are wondering if you can be of any help, stop wondering and come straight to PRAVAH !! There's a lot to be done!
Next....we are planning for an exposure visit in collaboration with 'The Other Media' to Burmese community in Vikas puri somewhere around end of this month or first week of August(we still have to finalize the date for that!!!!!) if you are interested in joining in for this great learning experience.Please conform it by sending a mail with your name,contact no. and email address on

Reconnection Camp of the Urban Volunteers

On the 14th of July, Pravah organized a feedback camp for all the urban volunteers. Because of “traffic jams”, everyone landed up at least an hour late, and the session for the ten volunteers who made it finally kicked off.

The session started off with the volunteers getting to know each other, through activities like name-games and sing-alongs. Then, we broke into two groups, and “Pravah Idol” commenced, which was something like a socially relevant version of Antakshari… the two teams were the ‘Yo!Girls!’ and ‘Break Free’, and we had to choose songs to sing that represented our own volunteering experiences.

Both teams sang their hearts out, and then talked about what each song represented.
After the singing, we started working on giant collages, also depicting our experiences, expectations, challenges, and impact stories.

Because of all those “traffic jams”, we had less time on our hands and had to finish in a crazy rush, and by the end of it the collages looked like a messy explosion of colour and random objects thrown together.

Despite the apparent chaos on the chartpapers, there was a method to our madness; as each cut-out represented some aspect of our journey. Inside each of the footprint stencils, we wrote individually about our experiences, and after we were done, we shared our experiences in a presentation for all of the people at Pravah.

I learnt a lot from hearing about other people’s experiences and frustrations; some of them that I had experienced myself, and others that were new to me. It was great me be able to talk to other volunteers as well, at the end of their journeys, and share what we were all taking back.
We also watched a movie about Pravah and active citizenship, and discussed what it means to us and decided to take up an action plan of our own soon!

Interacting with the people at Pravah was great too; we found that in a few hours the office began to feel like home. We were able to talk to people who also started off as Smilers, and they gave us a broader perspective on what we were going through.

The entire day was full of laughs and fun, as well as a lot of learning, and I hope to join the other volunteers for the next Youth Adda, and get together like this again soon

Radhika Chakraborty


THE Project "UNNAMED", which came out of the last youth adda on 20th june on International Refugee Day, where we screened a documentary movie"In search of my home" by Rintu thomas and Sushmit Ghosh .

The project aims at creating awareness on the issue of asylum seeking community (refugees) in Delhi and India within us, among us and through us via various mediums like DOCUMENTARY, BOOKS, BLOGS, DEBATES ETC....... but before actually starting an action project on this issue we, SMILERS have decided to deepen our own understanding about the issue and as part of this learning exercise to understand the issue better, we have scheduled an interactive session with a Burmese human right activist,Achan Mungleng!
She has been active with Burmese community in Delhi since 2003 and in 2007 joined Euro-Burma office as co-ordinator of India office.Euro-Burma office aims at promotion democracy in Burma. So, we think there will be a lot to learn from Achan's experiences, which she'll be sharing with us.
So, all of you are openly invited for this learning space by US, The Smilers,
The Venue for the INTERACTION
PRVAH, Conference Hall
15th July' 2010 at 2.30pm