Posted in: on Monday, July 26, 2010 at at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Monday, July 26, 2010 at at 3:05 PM 0 comments
On the 14th of July, Pravah organized a feedback camp for all the urban volunteers. Because of “traffic jams”, everyone landed up at least an hour late, and the session for the ten volunteers who made it finally kicked off.
The session started off with the volunteers getting to know each other, through activities like name-games and sing-alongs. Then, we broke into two groups, and “Pravah Idol” commenced, which was something like a socially relevant version of Antakshari… the two teams were the ‘Yo!Girls!’ and ‘Break Free’, and we had to choose songs to sing that represented our own volunteering experiences.
Both teams sang their hearts out, and then talked about what each song represented.
After the singing, we started working on giant collages, also depicting our experiences, expectations, challenges, and impact stories.
Because of all those “traffic jams”, we had less time on our hands and had to finish in a crazy rush, and by the end of it the collages looked like a messy explosion of colour and random objects thrown together.
Despite the apparent chaos on the chartpapers, there was a method to our madness; as each cut-out represented some aspect of our journey. Inside each of the footprint stencils, we wrote individually about our experiences, and after we were done, we shared our experiences in a presentation for all of the people at Pravah.
I learnt a lot from hearing about other people’s experiences and frustrations; some of them that I had experienced myself, and others that were new to me. It was great me be able to talk to other volunteers as well, at the end of their journeys, and share what we were all taking back.
We also watched a movie about Pravah and active citizenship, and discussed what it means to us and decided to take up an action plan of our own soon!
Interacting with the people at Pravah was great too; we found that in a few hours the office began to feel like home. We were able to talk to people who also started off as Smilers, and they gave us a broader perspective on what we were going through.
The entire day was full of laughs and fun, as well as a lot of learning, and I hope to join the other volunteers for the next Youth Adda, and get together like this again soon
Radhika Chakraborty
Posted in: on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at at 3:42 PM 0 comments
THE Project "UNNAMED", which came out of the last youth adda on 20th june on International Refugee Day, where we screened a documentary movie"In search of my home"
by Rintu thomas and Sushmit Ghosh .
Posted in: on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at at 12:52 PM 0 comments