Group Exposure '09 - Narmada Bachao Andolan

A Rural Portrait

A kaleidoscope of colours,experiences,scents and visuals.A tradition and culture that is enduring.The mighty Narmada.Descending into the plains of Maharashtra from Amarkanth.A river that inspires awe.And reverence.Lush primordial forests,exotic wildlife,undulating hills,rapids and the infectious tune and cheerful rhythm of dharaji.......
Calm and serene,the expanse of water stood beside the undulating hill slopes covered with a lush green cover,betraying the harmony and peace that existed here.The first rays of sunlight accompanied with the regular call from the village roosters proclaimed day rise and appeared on our bright and sparking faces,which promptly responded with huge smiles.Our inquisitive eyes surveyed the picturesque surroundings,enthralled by the ethereal beauty that abounded around us.
A moment later,the truth dawned on us.We were blistering fools to admire that scenario in which we claimed to experience peace and harmony.Initially i could not fathom the sadness that pierced the entire landscape.Half a tree top lay exposed through the water surface as if yearning to stay above the surface,as if yearning to stay alive,as if…......Behold,to my horror, the water was not blue,but mildly green,as if dyed by all that lay beneath it.What a dance of destruction is this?What sort of silent torment is this?Who knew what stay in store for later?
There was a complete lack of commotion,no noise,no yelling,no confusion,nothing out of place in this pleasant environment which apparently appeared to be oblivious to the fact that its doomsday draws to a close. All the activity of the women was directed towards the two hand pumps placed strategically at the two ends of this village of Dharaji,situated on the high ground just beside the "present" river bank.Women walked towards the hand pump in pairs,with utensils on their heads and tucked at their waists.While one worked the pump,the other cleaned the utensils with a earthen mixture,and then filled them up with water presumably for the morning household chores.