Group Exposure '09 - Narmada Bachao Andolan
MERE SAATH CHAL ....... The beginning
The devils were taking over,chasing the gods out of the universe.Fear-stricken gods fleeing for the fear of their life.And buzzzzz my alarm rang..six in the morning,too early to rise..but today was exceptional.4th december,the first day for the exposure camp organised by pravah.Every body managed to make it for Karm marg charitable society by eleven,and we be immediately began with the introductions.The initial phase caught on fast with sulab and deep organising silly but nice games and inculcating team spirit within the group.The aftenoon session came up with an even more exciting prospect-A Community Visit. Interaction with the simple rustics of khedi kalan,having tea with them,being offered hukka at the village were the highlights of this visit.
The devils were taking over,chasing the gods out of the universe.Fear-stricken gods fleeing for the fear of their life.And buzzzzz my alarm rang..six in the morning,too early to rise..but today was exceptional.4th december,the first day for the exposure camp organised by pravah.Every body managed to make it for Karm marg charitable society by eleven,and we be immediately began with the introductions.The initial phase caught on fast with sulab and deep organising silly but nice games and inculcating team spirit within the group.The aftenoon session came up with an even more exciting prospect-A Community Visit. Interaction with the simple rustics of khedi kalan,having tea with them,being offered hukka at the village were the highlights of this visit.
The orientation camp was in nature a unique experience.Dinner with the kids there and and the community interaction were catalytic in completely discarding our inhibitions about rural folk and their way of life.The sessions here laid the firm foundation to the world we were going to be propelled into.Some of us were here to create a mental picture,one in which they themselves verify the colours and diversity,of rural india,or to be more accurate a microscopical part of the rural india.Making friends,shedding inhibitions was another big hit on the wishlists .Other top hits include developing team spirit,introspection and having a ball of a time.
The inhibitions list was lot more longer.Neha had scared the wits out of us telling us about crocodiles,and snakes and emergency precautions ,essential but still monstrous.What if that happens?What if this happens?What to do in that situation?Will i be able to manage that?How will i make sure i dont panic? Will i manage to do my job in the morning itself?Will i be chased by a bull when i am doing my morning job?Ooooh too many....

And with all that in mind we settled down on our seat berths(RAC=>two on one ) squeezed against each other,fighting for the blanket like a pack of dogs being forced to share a bone.....more follows.....
Harsh Gupta
Undergraduate student
Dept of Computer Science
IIT Delhi
Posted in: group exposure, Narmada bachao andolan on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at at 12:48 AM