Action Project '09!
Hello to all!
Guess who is back in action?
Yes, you guessed it right.. it's we SMILE'rs '09!!
We have come back from our Rural Internships and have boarded the ship loaded with ideas, learnings, experiences and much much more, we have been moving from shore to shore sharing experiences and taking in more and more of them.
As a part of our Action Project we have started a chain of movie screenings across different colleges in Delhi, SMILE'rs themselves are facilitating these sessions with a lot of enthusiasm and we are very happy to tell you that till now we have screened documentary movies in 3 colleges starting from 24th of August with a thought provoking discussion followed by a documentary screening.
We will be keeping you posted about the screenings through this space and we will also be posting about the discussions that are taking place in various colleges. So that we can share our experiences with all of you and get to know your thoughts, as they are important to us :)
Looking forward to hear from you and sharing with you!

SMILE'rs :)
Posted in: on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at at 10:11 PM
smilers rock and whatever we decide we will do it