Winter Group Exposure 2009!
Dear All,
Pravah in collaboration with NSS, IIT- Delhi brings to you the Winter Group Exposure 2009.
The Winter Group Exposure 2009 will give 15 young IITians an opportunity to undertake a journey of ‘Me to We’ by participating in a 12 day group exposure to the Narmada Bachao Aandolan. The Aandolan has over the last decade been at the centre of a debate around development- what it is and what it should be. Interestingly there are enough young people from the technical field on both sides of the debate. Here is your chance to go and volunteer with one of the most prominent people’s movements in the country, see another aspect of the Indian reality and understand the issue for your self by actually experiencing it firsthand.
If you are someone who likes to challenge yourself, learn through experience, volunteer, think for yourself and of course have fun while doing all of this, then apply now !
All you have to do is fill up the form attached provided at the Pravah website and mail it to either or . Please write ‘Winter Group Exposure 2009’ in the subject line.
The last date for submitting your forms is: 5th November 2009
Please do read through the Winter Group Exposure Concept Note for further details, before applying. Please do feel free to contact us should need any clarification or more information on 011-26213918 and talk to Sulab or Neha. You can also contact Anurag Kumar( 2nd year,9891537063), Abhishek Surana( 2nd year, 9990909760 ) or Naveen Khandelwal ( 2nd year,9990910542).
We look forward to receiving your application soon!
Best of luck!
Love, peace and energy
The SMILE team☺
Posted in: on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at at 1:40 PM