The first meeting of SMILE SHOOTS(film club) was held on the 12th of September 2010 at the Pravah office in Kalkaji.Despite the unfavorable weather conditions and heavy raina considerable number of SMILErs were enthusiastic enough to turn up for the event.
The day kick-started with a discussion on the influence of films and their impact,being one of the most powerful means of visual communication.The other questions dealt with were - what we expect from the club,how we intend to proceed with it and how to explore the self and have a better understanding of it through films.Activities like film screening in colleges,slum areas etc.,film appreciation,film making were the ideas that came up during the discussion.
The meeting gained momentum with the entry of Sushmit Ghosh and Rintu Thomas,the noted film makers of the documentary film"In Search of My Home".The documentary portrays the stark reality of the lives of the asylum seekers in India and reveals to us the misery and agony of their poverty stricken existence.This documentary was screened during the meeting after which a discussion followed.Sushmit and Rintu shared their valuable experiences as well as answered the questions posed by the SMILErs.
With this the session concluded and a consensus was reached to meet on the day of the next Youth Adda(18th Sept) in order to decide the date for the next SMILE SHOOT meet and the future course of events for the same.
Posted in: on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at at 11:43 AM 0 comments