Music For Harmony '09 in pictures

Music For Harmony '09 Banner created by waste material made by SMILE volunteers

Peace Tree that grew with messages left by visiting students

One of the many leaves exhibiting students' point of view on the Peace Tree

Sudesh performance by Sudesh Devi at Music For Harmony '09

Peace exhibition that shows students' interpretation of peace

One of the students at the face painting stall

Zenith from Jaipur perform at Music For Harmony '09

Meghna Nag Chowdhuri, Mark Takefman and Joe Spence perform at Music For Harmony '09

Astitiva perform at Music For Harmony '09

Ghazal performance by Santosh at Music For Harmony '09

U.8.Noise perform at Music For Harmony '09

A young person contributes to the graffiti wall

Young people placing candles to create a peace sign

The peace sign that drew Music For Harmony '09 to a close

Music for Harmony - at The NSS Youth Fest on Dec 10th 2009

Dear All,

Greetings from Pravah!

Pravah in collaboration with National Service Scheme(NSS) - Delhi University, would like to invite you to a two day Youth Festival on the 9th and 10th of December 2009.

The Programme

Day 1

Inauguration: 10am- 11am

Youth Panel: Young people as catalyst for social change: 11am- 12:30pm

Volunteering opportunities for young people: Stalls by different NGOs: 11am- 4:30pm

Skill and Issue sessions: Parallel sessions by different NGOs: 2pm- 4pm

Day 2

“ENCORE-Music for Harmony 2009": Celebrating peace through music, theatre, face painting, Peace Chai, photo exhibition, interactive games and a lot more!

Organised by SMILE volunteers of Pravah: 9:30 am- 4:30pm

Inter college debate: 9:30 am- 1:30 pm


Date: 9th- 10th December 2009

Time: 9:30 am- 4:30 pm

Venue: Sir Shankar Lal Concert Hall (Opp. Department of Social Work, Delhi University),

University Road, Delhi - 110007

We hope that you will join us in this effort to bring together young people and diverse non governmental organisations. The event will offer the participants opportunities to explore and identify ways in which they can engage with these groups and begin their journey towards becoming active citizens. We expect that through this platform, the young people will be able to travel from 'Me to We', and be able to lead processes for positive social transformation.

This year for the first time Pravah’s SMILE volunteers are also organising Music for Harmony at North Campus as part of the larger festival. We look forward to this endeavour to redefine and understand peace and together celebrating and exploring ways of realising it, creating just as much energy in north campus as it did over the past 7 years at Dilli Haat during the Dastkaar Nature Bazaar.

Please find attached the formal invitation for the two day Youth Festival as well as “Encore: Music for Harmony 2009” on the 10th of December 2009.

We would appreciate it if you could spread the word and circulate the invite to as many people as possible.

Hoping to see you there...

Thank you!

With love, peace and energy

The SMILE- Pravah team

Lokasish Saha

(M) 9999609980





Neha Buch

(M) 9891293484

About Pravah:

Pravah is a youth development organization which has been working since 1992, to promote leadership for social justice among young people. Through our work we aim to promote values such as non violence, love, diversity, interdependence, collaboration and sustainable development. Pravah's work over the past 15 years has been mainly directed towards making a case for youth development. Our core competence lies in developing and facilitating creative and impactful experiential learning initiatives for adolescents, youth, NGOs and other educational institutes. We also support youth startups and other organizations through organizational development and programmatic support. In addition we are engaged in influencing public policy in the field of youth. Our college level intervention takes place through the Students Mobilisation Initiative for Learning through Exposure (SMILE) programme.

We are supported in our work through partners all over the country as well as national and international resource organizations such as – The Ford Foundation, Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Wipro, Misereor, Ashoka, Global Fund for Children and Voluntary Service Overseas.

For more information please visit: , , http;//